Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thoughts on the Inaguration and transition - Part 1: An open letter to George W. Bush.

President Bush,
Thanks for all you did. I think you messed a lot of things up, and you could have done a lot of things better, but you always had the best intentions, and you stuck to your principles, even when it cost you all the political capital you had. You certainly handled 9/11 a lot better than Al Gore would have. Your tax cuts were a serious victory for the economy. Your Supreme Court appointments appear to have all the makings of quality justices that will be strict constructionists rather than individuals who will try to legislate from the bench. I truly believe you went into Iraq based on bad information, but with the best intentions based on that bad information. You also impressed me with your willingness to admit the Iraq strategy was not working, and rather than withdraw, you listened to McCain, your joint chiefs, and others and actually initiated the surge that is leading us to victory in Iraq. So, I say thank you. I will enjoy not having you in the White House anymore, but I will always be grateful for the way you handled the situation 9/11 presented you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your life as a citizen.

My thoughts on the ceremony tomorrow.

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